
Adrian Boldianu

Mobility type From To Period
Outgoing, Traineeship
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Celignis Biomass Analysis Laboratory, Limerick, Ireland
May 22, 2023 – September 22, 2023

Learning experience

My focus during this time was to learn more about Chromatography, so I was an Intern in the
Chromatography Department from the lab.

As a whole experience, it was a constructive and very demanding experience, from the lab work and the
circumstances I had during my stay in this Irish city.

Before my mobility, the available chromatography methods described in the announcement were plenty, but on-site, I could work with only two methods. The workplace was suitable for a training context; having all the parts from the devices in front of me and the right attitude and motivation from my side, I could learn the needed procedures and techniques to manage the entire chromatography department in two months. After the first two months, I had the opportunity to exercise my skills for the last two months. It was very interesting to get to know the workflow and the procedural challenges, but the learning curve decreased dramatically in the last two months. I could feel from my place and observe in other departments that the management skills were not so good, with longer working schedules (more than 8 hours/ working day), no optimal soft skills coming from managers, a lot of pressure on interns, an untidy workplace, and improper sanitation conditions. For the daily procedures, the interns worked with strong basic and acid substances (sodium hydroxide, methanesulfonic acid, hydrochloric acid), and the safety procedures were represented by wearing lab coats, security goggles, and nitrile gloves, with just one fume hood and one sink for two levels building (nothing more). With all these details, I admit I improved my chromatography skills, and I am more experienced now with quality assurance procedures, workflow optimization, and validation methods.

Living experience

The living experience was at least interesting, I can say. The weather in Ireland was changing continuously.

Coming from Romania, nothing can prepare you for how much it rains and how cold it is during the summer in Ireland.I think Ireland is in the top 3 most expensive accommodation countries in Europe, so that was the main expenditure I had – 70% of my funds (Erasmus grant + my economies) were used just for paying my rent.

Erasmus+ Experience

Final Thoughts: My Erasmus+ mobility was an eye-opening experience that gave me the proper context
to think about what and how I want to pursue in my professional and personal life. I am more critical,
solution-oriented, and empathic than ever before!

Erasmus+ Stories