
Methods to reduce food waste in flour products by developing the specific competence of specialists in sector

Project no. 2021-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000028008

Key Action 2: Cooperation Partnership in vocational education and training
Implementation period: February 2022 – February 2024

Project info here.

The general objective of the project is to reduce food waste on flour products in the current conditions of sustainable development and the circular economy in partner countries, with effects on all actors involved in the chain of production and distribution .

Target group

The project will support specialists in the flour products industry in partner countries to save resources in the bakery and flour products industry, thus contributing to reducing food waste.

  • Patronatul Român din industria de morărit, panificație și produse făinoase (ROMPAN) – Coordonator
  • Universitatea de Științele Vieții “Regele Mihai I” din  Timișoara
  • Universita Della Calambria
  • Universitatea de Științe Agricole și Medicină Veterinară Cluj-Napoca
  • Eesti Maaulikool
Team of the project at USAMV Cluj-Napoca
  • Management: Prof. Dr. Adriana Paucean – Project Responsable
  • Tehnic staff: Conf. Dr. Simona Maria Man, Sef lucr. Dr. Maria Simona Chis, Conf. Dr. Anamaria Pop, Sef lucr. Dr. Anca Corina Fărcaș
  • Administrative: Dr. Simona Oros
  • Financial representative: Ec. Roxana Neamțu
Expected results

Within the project, 3 tangible results will be obtained:

  1. Curriculum “Means and methods to reduce food waste in the manufacture of flour products”
  2. Course handout “Means and methods to reduce food waste in the manufacture of flour products”
  3. Guide addressed to specialists in the commercial distribution link for the reduction of food waste for flour products


During the project’s implementation 6 conferences for the dissemination of the project’s tangible results and a number of at least 260 specialists who will improve their knowledge by participating in these events.

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