
Students from USAMV CN to Member Countries (EU, Serbia and Turkey) - KA131 2022

EU Mobility

Calendar for Outgoing Mobilities
  • Online application

    23.01.2023 - 12.02.2023

  • Application Review

    13.02.2023 - 17.02.2023

  • Partial results


  • Complaints

    21.02.2023 Complaint form here

  • Final results


  • to be enrolled at one of the study program which leads to a Diploma (undergraduate, master, doctoral program),
  • to have none or maximum 3 retakes at the application moment
  • have language knowledge
  • average grade of the academic year finished (or semester where the case)
  • year of study has priority – the students enrolled in a higher year has priority
  • concordance of the subjects
  • extracurricular activities – will be highlighted in the Motivation letter the student needs to write in the platform
  • student quota at host university

For the traineeship mobility the only criteria is “first come, first served” meaning that the classification is made by the chance each student has in getting an acceptance. ! Students who have retakes need to make sure the mobility period does not overlap with the retake session.

Attention! If you want to apply for both study and traineeship you need to apply twice. 

Documents necessary for participants

  • ID/Passport
  • Proof of enrolment (confirmation of student status)

What type of mobility are there in Erasmus for students?

You can benefit of an exchange abroad with Erasmus+ multiple times, either as a student or as a trainee, but your total time abroad (study abroad periods included) may not exceed 12 months

within one cycle of study and 24 months for veterinary medicine.

Study mobility -can last a minimum of 2 months (or 1 academic term or trimester) and a maximum of 12 months. The study mobility can be done only at one of the partner universities

Traineeship mobiliy – can be done at any organization (public or private) in EU, there are three types of traineeship mobility : long term mobility (minimun 60 days of activity) combined mobility (a virtual period combined with a onsite period so that the minimum is 60 days ) or short term mobility – onsite activity of minimum 5 days and maximum 30 days (this type is available only for PhD students). Traineeship mobility can be done at any public or private organizations in one of the European Countries (Turkey and Serbia included)

Are there any opportunities for recent graduates students in Erasmus?

Students enrolled in the last year of study (for all three cycles of study) can apply for a traineeship mobility which will take place after the graduation. The recent graduate status is is valid one year from graduation date. The rules for the traineeship in the case of recent graduate are the same except short term mobility which is not possible.

Is there any financial support for study/traineeship mobility?

The financial support a lump sum- “grant” meant to help the students, which may differ depending on the country. The financial support is granted for one semester (study mobility) but if the budget is available, the students can receive grant for the entire academic year.
Students from disadvantaged background receive a “top up “grant for the mobility. Also, for those who use green travel they receive a “top up grant” for green travel.

How many ECTS does a student need to obtain within an Erasmus mobility?

For study mobility the maximum number of ECTS a student need to gain at host university is 30 ECTS. The minimum number of ECTS the student must gain at host university is represented by the minimum credits imposed by each faculty (home faculty) to pass the semester.
For traineeship mobility, the number of ECTS obtained is calculated based on working/activity hours. One ECTS represents 25 working/activity hours.

Does a student need to pay something for Erasmus?

All the right and responsibilities remain the same for the students for the entire period of mobility. There are NO fees to enroll for Erasmus mobility.


Depending on the availability, the students can benefit of accommodation in one of the student resident at the host university (if available) or can search for private accommodation

Outcome recognition