
RURuP Project

Innovative education for sustainable development in peripheral rural areas

To enable the development of new knowledge in collaboration between researchers, teachers and stakeholders in society, it is important that higher education graduates, apart from having field- specific knowledge, are exposed to working cultures of potential employers. Especially in complex situations, such as peripheral rural areas, there is a well-known gap between theory presented in academic courses and applications of this knowledge for sustainable development.

The partnership aims to enhance the sustained implementation of the innovative model for HE education within and outside the partnership. More specifically, the project will:

  • build understanding on the specific skills and competencies needed by the labour market and societal needs in such regions,
  • support curricula development to ensure learning for the skills and competencies,
  • strengthen collaboration between HE and potential regional and cross-regional employers,
  • support professional competencies of the HE educators in such regions, and
  • contribute to the international pool of open educational resources (OER).

The intellectual deliverables of the project will be presented in six (6) outputs:

  • IO1) The assessment of the education needs and gaps for the sustainable development of the EU peripheral rural areas
  • IO2) E-learning course
  • IO3) Bank of Case Studies
  • IO4) Digital Teaching Platform and Digital Learning Resource
  • IO5) Syllabus and materials for Intensive Study Activity
  • IO6) Reflective report on the approach and methodology adopted
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